Valley's Tree Feeders Service

FEED your trees! Could your trees be greener, fuller, larger, with healthier leaves, foliage & flowers? Deep Root Feeding is the answer! Deep Root Fertilization can also bring sick trees back to life! If your tree has a health problem or looks like it’s dying, our tree doctor administered Soil Treatments have the ability to save your trees!
Deep Root Tree Feeding Service

We are so committed to our Deep Root Fertilization service that our tree feeding service is GUARANTEED! If you don’t notice visible improvement in your tree’s appearance after 60 days, our tree doctors will come back a 2nd time for a complimentary 2nd treatment. (Does your Valley tree feeding service guarantee results? That's what we thought!)
Deep Root Tree Feeding

We want to do everything in our power to help your trees, that’s why we guarantee your tree fertilization! Our Deep Root Tree Feeding treatments only cost $50 for small & medium trees, or $100 for large trees, with a $200 project minimum. We are 100% upfront with our pricing (unlike our competitors!), that’s why we list our prices right here! Call the Valley's tree feeding experts today for your Free Quote for Deep Root Tree Feeding!
Why Tree Feeding Service?

Why hire a tree feeding service for your trees? Great question! Tree feeding service can help protect against disease, such as Gummosis, Chlorosis, Slime Flux, Sooty Canker, Rust and Palm Crown Rot. In addition, our proprietary JuiceBOOST™ system strengthens trees immune systems to help your trees defend against new diseases and infections. Plus, JuiceBOOST™ can grow larger, stronger and greener trees faster! Our JuiceBOOST™ motto is "Stronger Roots, Greener Shoots, Larger Fruits!" In other words, our JuiceBOOST™ tree feeding system can improve almost every aspect of your tree's health. And the best part is that JuiceBOOST™ tree feeding service quotes are 100% Free!
Make the smart decision for your trees, and call our Arborists today at (480) 435-2226 to schedule your Free Quote for JuiceBOOST™ tree feeding service!
Benefits of Tree Feeding Service

Did you know that trees on a quarterly Deep Root Tree Feeding schedule can grow up to 50% faster than trees without Deep Root Fertilization? In addition to being able to grow larger trees faster, Deep Root Tree Feeding also strengthens immune systems of trees that have had soil treatments. Not to mention, tree feeding restores soil nutrient content, and reduces soil compaction. To top it off, Deep Root Fertilization also promotes fast growth of trees, and stimulates canopies and blooms.
(Is this sounding too good to be true? Well, it isn't. And, our Tree Feeder service is 100% Guaranteed; and you tree's asked you to call us. So why don't you listen to your trees and call us to schedule your Free tree feeding Quote!
How To Save a Dying Tree

Did you know that in many situations, Deep Root Tree Feeding can save dying trees? In the same way that children need vaccines to fight against disease and infection, Deep Root Fertilization can help fight many fungus or bacterial infections. Deep Root Tree Feeding also administers crucial micronutrients and macronutrients beneath the soil and into your tree's rootzone, where it's needed most. On top of fighting off disease, Deep Root Fertilization can reverse the plight of a dying tree.
How can Deep Root Fertilization & Feeding save a dying tree? Trees that are declining usually are suffering from nutrient or mineral deficiencies, often allowing fungal or bacterial infections to overpower the tree's immune system. Deep Root Tree Feeding injects liquid fertilizer, under pressure, 4-5" beneath the soil's surface, to access your tree's fine absorbing roots. These tiny feeder roots are beneath the surface, making it impossible to properly fertilize your tree with anything you could buy at Home Depot or a nursery. That's why Deep Root Fertilization is performed by pro Arborists, with the knowledge and experience to properly fertilize your tree. If your tree is dying, call us today to schedule your Free tree feeding Estimate!